Opportunities & Resources

This page will be used to post opportunities and resources of interest to visual artists: grants, requests for qualifications, professional development., emergency resources. If you have an opportunity or resource that you think might be appropriate, info@lyndensculpturegarden.org.


Artist Emergency Resources

















https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us/ In-person registration can be done on the day of the election, but most municipalities are urging as many as can to vote absentee by mail. Absentee ballots can be requested online until April 2, or in-person until April 5 and must be postmarked or submitted in person by April 7 at the latest.)

COVID-19 Artist Resources Updates:
These are emails sent to Lynden's artist e-list, which shares information on the Greater Milwaukee Foundation's Mary L. Nohl Fund for Individual Artists Fellowship program (including the Suitcase Export Fund) and on other resources for artists. We are continuing to gather and share resources related to COVID-19. To sign up for this e-list, email staff@lyndensculpturegarden.org.

Friday April 24, 2020
Financial Resources (and information about them)
As we enter the second round of Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL), several organizations are offering assistance through webinars and office hours. (Check out Americans for the Arts Action Fund’s daily office hours with Executive Director Nina Ozlu Tunceli. Some federal programs are open to individuals as well organizations, for the under-banked as well as the well banked, but the funds are expended quickly. Be sure to stay tuned to the information provided by Americans for the Arts, Arts Wisconsin, and the Wisconsin Arts Board, as well as to organizations serving your particular field. The Americans for the Arts Action Fund has done a particularly good job of sorting out the differences among the various federal programs.

The National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities (and its local arm, the Wisconsin Humanities Council) are offering relief under the CARES Act.

The Sundance Institute will be disbursing some film-specific Artist Relief funds. More about Sundance’s funding programs here: https://www.sundance.org/covid19

The Authors League Fund offers forgivable emergency loans, as they have been since 1917, here: https://authorsleaguefund.org/

Filmmaker Ava Duvernay has launched a $250,000 funding initiative called ARRAY Grants that will provide vital financial support to grassroots entities that serve as cultural catalysts for narrative change. The mission is to help fund organizations and individuals that center people of color and women of all kinds. This is a by-nomination-only process.

Other Resources
Creative Capital has launched a series of free online workshops, Coping with COVID, designed to help artists mitigate the effects of the pandemic and the economic situation, “and above all to show that none of us are alone in this struggle.” Link and more info here: https://creative-capital.org/2020/03/13/list-of-arts-resources-during-the-covid-19-outbreak/

There are a few days left to help the UWM Helen Bader Institute for Nonprofit Management and their UW-System colleagues better understand the COVID-19 effect on the nonprofit sector all across Wisconsin. Complete this 10-minute survey here: https://bit.ly/3a9jcU7. Deadline is April 26.

Americans for the Arts will also be offering a webinar in the next week or so on the impact of COVID-19 on arts organizations and artists, using the data they’ve collected through their two surveys.

Local Artists during the Pandemic
Send us a project you’d like to share.

Since March 26, Paul Druecke has been picking up other people’s trash during daily walks (an acceptably socially-distanced pursuit), arranging each day’s haul into impromptu still lifes, and then gathering up the garbage and disposing of it. His new project, America Pastime, is documented here: http://www.pauldruecke.com/america-pastime-2

Friday, April 17, 2020
Financial Resources (and information about them)
Milwaukee Artist Resource Network has opened the MARN COVID-19 RELIEF FUND to assist their members in this time of need. All artists who are active MARN members are encouraged to apply for this one-time, unrestricted $250 micro-grant: https://www.artsinmilwaukee.org/about/covid19.php

Don’t forget to fill out the Americans for the Arts COVID-19 Impact Survey for Artists and Creative Workers. AFTA is a research partner in the Artist Relief fund, and has been asked to develop and deploy the COVID-19 Impact Survey for Artists and Creative Workers, which is designed to capture financial and creative impact of COVID-19 on creative workers, highlight the resiliency and generosity of the creative sector, and make sure that the 5 million creative workers in the U.S. are supported and heard during this ongoing crisis and the eventual recovery.

Creative Capital has announced the opening of the Arts Writers Grant Program application (deadline May 20). The Arts Writers Grant supports emerging and established writers who are writing about contemporary visual art. Ranging from $15,000 to $50,000, these grants support projects addressing both general and specialized art audiences, from short reviews for magazines and newspapers to in-depth scholarly studies. More information and application here: https://www.artswriters.org/?mc_cid=40c9c5c40e&mc_eid=c03483beb8

Other Resources
Art World Conference, which focuses on business and financial health for artists and arts professionals, is offering free online workshops on how to “navigate the now.” The next one, on April 21, is about taxes. More information and free registration here: https://www.artworldconference.com/events

Artnet has compiled a primer on how to apply for benefits for artists and freelancers: https://news.artnet.com/art-world/unemployment-benefits-for-artists-freelancers-coronavirus-1832913

5 Points Art Gallery continues to host weekly virtual chats with local artists. Discover how others are surviving the pandemic by keeping an eye on the 5 Points events calendar

One artist has a piece of advice for those struggling with car payments: she simply called Toyota’s helpline and got a human (working from home) who could easily move the next 2 months’ payments to the end of her loan, with no extra charges (this was for a 0% loan, so there may be charges if you have a regular loan).

Monday, April 13, 2020
Financial Resources (and information about them)
Art in America is hosting a virtual panel on the Artist Relief fund with Deana Haggag, Sarah Arison, and Marisa Morán Jahn on Monday, April 13, 2020, at 12 noon CST: https://artinamericamagazine.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d1194d22149cae6b833e60041&id=259831ba5e&e=5a90cd9ad6

Other Resources
Vallejo Gantner of the Onassis Foundation has started hireartists, a new, web-based marketplace designed to “facilitate creative exchange during an unprecedented economic crisis for the already-precarious arts and creative sector at large.” Sign up here: https://hireartists.org/ and get some background here: https://news.artnet.com/art-world/hireartists-1830399

Biz Starts is compiling resources and offering their own coaching and mentoring programs here: https://bizstarts.com/covid-19-resources/

Della Wells shares this article for those who are looking to the past to figure out the future for artists in a post-pandemic world: https://www.cnn.com/style/article/coronavirus-recession-wpa-arts-programs-wellness-style/index.html

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Financial Resources
The big news today is that several large, national arts grantmakers have come together to form Artist Relief to distribute immediate, unrestricted emergency funding to individual artists of all disciplines, as well as resources to help those in need due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Grants will be $5000 each. More info and application here:

Once again, take a very close look at the CARES Act. This is the legislation is designed to help organizations (with less than 500 employees), independent contractors, and individuals. It even includes a tax deduction for charitable giving for non-itemizers. A good place to start: https://www.artswisconsin.org/actioncenter/cares-act/

If a webinar will help: Artists Rights Society is offering live web assistance for economic relief through a Zoom meeting today, April 8, at 2 pm CST. You can join this meeting (which will be recorded) here: https://nav.zoom.us/j/532480508

NYFA (New York Foundation for the Arts) is partnering with the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation to provide one-time grants of up to $5,000 for unexpected medical emergencies. More info here: https://www.nyfa.org/Content/Show/Rauschenberg-Emergency-Grants

Other Resources
5 Points Art Gallery & Studios is offering a series of virtual artist chats. Tomorrow, April 9, at 6:30 pm CST you can hear from The "Sage Women" of 5 Points Art Gallery, including, but not limited to: Della Wells, Evelyn Patricia Terry, Rhonda Gatlin-Hayes, and Ruthie Joy. Join the chat here: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/930127093

Fellowship.art is organizing an emergency response program of virtual programs. More details here: https://fellowship.art/emergency-response

Note that Creative Capital, a participant in Art Relief, continues to collect resources and offer free online workshops for artists.

Other Opportunities
The Bagri Foundation has launched At Home in the World, an open call for five £1,000 commissions for Asian artists to be released across the Foundation's digital platforms from June 2020.

The application for Pollock-Krasner grants is open at
The Pollock-Krasner Foundation. Pollock-Krasner grants have enabled artists to create new work, purchase needed materials and pay for studio rent, as well as their personal and medical expenses.

Here’s information on how to participate in Keep Making Art, another virtual art-sharing initiative: https://creative-generation.org/keepmakingart

Arts Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Arts Board are continuing to host listening sessions each Friday at 9 am as the COVID-19 crisis continues, to help creative leaders share perspectives on the impact of the pandemic on work and life, and brainstorm recommendations on actions to take locally and globally. Click here for more info.

Friday, April 3, 2020
We will continue to post links to relief funds and other opportunities when we get them. We try to identify funds that might support local artists, but it’s not always easy to tell. We also know that waiting lists for relief are long, and that one has to be on the lookout for scams. If you have any success in securing funding or have figured out a way to streamline your application process when applying for several funds/grants, let us know and we’ll share the news. Again, apologies for duplicates.

Financial Resources
There is a sense that some of the larger visual arts funders may be moving toward more emergency support for visual artists. The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts is beginning to funnel emergency grant money through its regranting initiatives. Here’s an example from The Luminary in St. Louis: http://theluminaryarts.com/programs/futures-fund
The Helen Frankenthaler Foundation has just announced that it will commit $5 million to crisis relief through three initiatives. We’ll keep you posted as we learn more.

Take a very close look at the CARES Act. This is the legislation is designed to help organizations (with less than 500 employees), independent contractors, and individuals. It even includes a tax deduction for charitable giving for non-itemizers. A good place to start: https://www.artswisconsin.org/actioncenter/cares-act/

The Kinkade Foundation is offering emergency grants to curators: http://www.kinkadefamilyfoundation.org/emergencygrantforcurators

A paid opportunity to perform on a digital network that highlights the ambiguity of the plural noun “creatives” (it set Della Wells to thinking that there might be a way to get non-performing artists involved):

Sustainable Arts Foundation
Awards supporting artists and writers with families (meaning children) with up to $6,000.

The Creator Fund
ConvertKit has established a fund to help creators (another ambiguous term) in need during the COVID-19 pandemic. They have already received more applications than they can support, but encourage people to continue applying.

The Photographer Fund
Format has put together a $25,000 relief fund designed to help photographers facing financial difficulties during the outbreak.

Art Interrupted Emergency Arts Fund
Twenty Summers has launched an emergency fund for artists and arts organizations suffering from unexpected and unmanageable financial loss as a result of the COVID-19, though this link is more about how to support the fund.

Other Forms of Support
National Coalition for Arts' Preparedness & Emergency Response (NCAPER)
NCAPER ensures that artists, arts/cultural organizations, cultural funders, and arts businesses have the capacity and ability to respond effectively to disasters and emergencies affecting the arts and culture sector by providing information.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Financial Resources
Anonymous Was A Woman has launched a program that provides grants of up to $2,500 for women artists over the age of 40, administered in partnership with New York Foundation for the Arts.

Arts Wisconsin’s latest action alert is full of information on the CARES Act. This is the legislation that covers expanded unemployment and loans to small businesses.

Mutual Support
Arts Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Arts Board are continuing to host listening sessions each Friday at 9 am as the COVID-19 crisis continues, to help creative leaders share perspectives on the impact of the pandemic on work and life, and brainstorm recommendations on actions to take locally and globally. Next session: Friday, April 3, 2020, 9 am. Click here for more info.

Friday, March 27, 2020
Financial Resources
We will continue to post links to relief funds when we get to them. We try to identify funds that might support local artists, but it’s not always easy to tell. We also know that waiting lists for relief are long. If you have any success in securing funding or have figured out a way to streamline your application process when applying for several funds/grants, let us know and we’ll share the news. Again, apologies for duplicates.

Here are a few more resources that came to us via Forecast Public Art.

Arts and Culture Leaders of Color Emergency Fund // intended to help those pursuing careers as artists or arts administrators whose income has been directly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This fund is for those who self-identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color). If you fit this description and you are in need of short-term, immediate financial assistance, they would like to help. Funds will be disbursed in the amount of US $200 per person, on a first-come-first-served basis. We will be accepting funds indefinitely.

CERF+ Emergency Relief Fund // Artists who have suffered from a recent, career-threatening emergency, such as an illness, accident, fire or natural disaster, can apply for funding. CERF+ also has a list of resources centered around the pandemic.

Women Photograph // an initiative that launched in 2017 to elevate the voices of women* visual journalists.
*We believe that gender is a spectrum. Women Photograph is inclusive of a plurality of femme voices including trans, queer and non-binary people. They are offering emergency grants.

Della Wells forwarded the list from Cultured Magazine and we’ve pulled the new ones for which local artists might be eligible.

Artist & Activist Relief Fund
Small stipends from The Soze Agency, specifically for artists and activists—especially those with children, debt, and medical bills.

COVID-19 Mutual Aid Fund for LGBTQI+ BIPOC Folks
This donation-based fund, organized by Amita Swadhin with Treva Ellison, Natalie Havlin, Carrie Hawks, Ren-yo Hwang, and Alisa Zipursky, will disperse funds in a rolling jubilee—allocating money to applicants as donations are raised. For the second round of donations, priority goes to Black, Indigenous, disabled, chronically ill, transgender or non-binary folks, as well as sex workers or those who are not employed full-time, not eligible for paid sick leave, or on the cusp of losing housing.

Disabled Creator and Activist Pandemic Relief
Volunteers are currently collecting information to organize a relief fund in support of disabled creators and activists who’ve lost sales due to COVID-19.

The Equal Sound Corona Relief Fund
The donation-based Equal Sound Corona Relief Fund will assist musicians whose gigs and events were cancelled due to COVID-19. If you’re a musician who can be paid legally in the US, you’re eligible to apply (the fund will not cooperate with US Immigration and Customs Enforcement).

Freelancer COVID-19 Emergency Fund

This fund is designed for freelancers affected by COVID-19 and its impact (school closures, client cancellations, medical expenses, inability to pay basic living expenses).

PEN America Writers’ Emergency Fund
PEN America will distribute grants between $500-$1,000 to applicants based on acute financial need, especially due to the pandemic. Applicants must be a professional writer (fiction and non-fiction writers, journalists, poets, playwrights, screenwriters and translators) and “be able to demonstrate that a small, one-time grant will be meaningful in helping them to address an emergency situation.”

Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Now is a good time to keep an eye on the federal economic stimulus plan that should be passed shortly. It contains provisions that will alter the landscape for those out of work, including independent contractors. Americans for the Arts, Arts Wisconsin, and the Wisconsin Arts Board should all have breakdowns for artists when passage is complete. Sign up for their policy updates, and join in the advocacy.

Financial Resources
The Art Newspaper has compiled a list of coronavirus-related financial aid for artists in the United States (and other countries): https://www.theartnewspaper.com/feature/are-you-a-freelance-worker-or-a-small-company-in-the-arts-here-s-a-global-list-of-financial-aid-available-to-you-during-the-coronavirus-pandemic

The Define American Immigrant Artist Fellowship has extended its deadline to April 5. Wisconsin is on their list of states of interest. More info here: https://www.defineamerican.com/arts

Mutual Sustenance
As we’ve mentioned, many artists are finding ways to share their work. Here’s Love Letters, a collective (but properly distanced) project from Kelly Kirshtner, that people of all ages can participate in: https://www.kellykirshtner.com/love

Monday, March 23, 2020
Mutual Aid
Artists are not only organizing aid for each other, but also for their neighbors. Cosecha Creative Space has partnered with Ayuda Mutua MKE to organize a temporary Goodness Pantry
to support individuals and families in the 53204 and 53215 zip codes. Info on hours and food donations here:
If you’d like to make a cash donation, they are on Venmo and Paypal as Cosecha13.

Mutual Sustenance
Although this newsletter focuses on relief and resources for artists, we know that artists continue to make work and to find new ways to disseminate it, and that museums are making every effort to share their collections online. The Wisconsin Arts Board is asking artists to send information about their projects to them to post on their COVID-19 and the arts in Wisconsin webpage (which is full of information). Email your information to George Tzougros: [GTzougros@travelwisconsin.com](mailto:GTzougros@travelwisconsin.com)

PBS has compiled a list of virtual museums and collections that you can tour online, too:

Saturday, March 21, 2020
Just a few for Saturday (and we’ll pause tomorrow):

Sixty Inches from Center, a Chicago-based, non-profit, online arts publication and archiving initiative (Milwaukee’s own Rachel Hausmann Schall writes for them) has posted some resources here:

They are also welcoming pitches for articles/photo essays/reviews from non-Sixty team members, and will provide compensation. Rachel has sent this link to info on how to pitch/submit: http://sixtyinchesfromcenter.org/write-for-sixty/

We have posted some more links to emergency grants, or databases to search for emergency funding, on our opportunities and resources page.

Friday, March 20, 2020
Here’s the latest:

Artist Relief: Food Banks
Thanks to Erick Ledesma/Cosecha Creative Space, there are two documents (both in Spanish and English) listing food resources. Please call ahead to make sure that sites are open.

MKE Food Pantry-Bancos alimentarios Info

>Map of MKE Food Pantry & Meal Sites | Bancos de comida y comidas calientes

Organizing/Surveys/Letter Writing
COMMON FIELD, a national network of independent arts organizations and organizers, wants to hear from you:
We invite you to share your ideas, needs and questions through this open form around how we might best organize for both you and the broader field in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
They are also aggregating resources for the field here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_GK3wHf5Mt6Lf07j_2ZA0NuAAEd30-fPDXCts_MYEzY/edit#

There are plenty of examples around the country of organizing around the specific needs of visual artists. The nonprofit New Art Dealers Alliance (NADA) is calling on New York City to provide COVID-19 relief for art galleries, artists, and art workers.

Kristina Rolander is adding more sample letters to local elected officials here:
Help her gather contact information for other officials. She also has links to letter writing campaigns for specific groups, like displaced entertainment workers.

You can also use Arts Wisconsin’s Legislative Action Center:

Thursday, March 19, 2020
Here’s the latest:

Don’t forget to fill out the Americans for the Arts COVID-19 IMPACT SURVEY:

And here’s one calculating loss in the creative sector:

Artist Relief
If you are in a position to help artists at this time, all of the relief funds are looking for donations.

Artists, join the waiting list for this national artist relief fund (they have already received so many requests that they aren’t accepting new requests until they raise additional funds):

There are many, many google sheets out there aggregating info about artists’ needs. Some of them are offering relief. We can’t vet these, but we put them out here for you to consider.

Crowdsourcing funds for artists:

COVID Mutual Aid:

Write to Your Elected Officials
Kristina Rolander is starting a letter-writing campaign to elected officials, and has posted a sample letter here (more to come on this one):
Help her gather contact information for other officials.

Thanks to responses from careful readers, we are offering updates to the voting information we offered yesterday.
In-person registration can be done on the day of the election, but most municipalities are urging as many as can to vote absentee by mail. Absentee ballots can be requested online at https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us/ until April 2, or in-person until April 5 and must be postmarked or submitted in person by April 7 at the latest.

And some reminders:

IMAGINEMKE has opened an artist relief fund for individual artists. Learn more and apply here: https://www.imaginemke.org/mke-artist-relief-fund/apply-to-receive-suppo...

Arts Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Arts Board are hosting a series of virtual Arts Listening Sessions to talk about the needs of Wisconsin's arts sector during the COVID-19 crisis. Arts constituents are invited to join any session to share input about the impact of the pandemic and recommendations for action by the Wisconsin Arts Board and Arts Wisconsin.

You can participate on any of these remaining dates:
Thursday, March 19, 7:00 pm
Friday, March 20, 9:00 am

To participate go to http://www.zoom.us/j/4601378823
Enter Meeting ID: 460-137-8823

Thank you to all the artists and others who have forwarded resources. Please keep your suggestions coming, and we will continue to share when we have a critical mass.


Wednesday, March 18, 2020
We have a few more resources to share today (our apologies if we are repeating ourselves):

We are archiving these newsletters, and providing links to resources, here: https://www.lyndensculpturegarden.org/content/opportunities

Young Space in Kaukauna, WI has put together a Google Sheets hub as a resource for socially distanced artists. You can share “current virtual exhibition spaces, open calls, fundraisers, educator and student resources, and anything else that comes along that can be helpful and useful during the next several weeks!”

Gallerist, artist, and educator Frank Juarez (frankjuarezgallery@gmail.com) has decided to “put as much art in the world as possible.” Feel free to email him images of your work, shots of your studio, virtual tours of your studio, or any art news you would like to share. He will share them via Artdose Magazine, FRANK & COMPANY weekly art e-newsletter, and social media.

We don’t know if the April election will be postponed, but today is the last day to request an absentee ballot in Wisconsin: https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us/
And some reminders:

IMAGINEMKE has opened an artist relief fund for individual artists. Learn more and apply here: https://www.imaginemke.org/mke-artist-relief-fund/apply-to-receive-suppo...

Arts Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Arts Board are hosting a series of virtual Arts Listening Sessions to talk about the needs of Wisconsin's arts sector during the COVID-19 crisis. Arts constituents are invited to join any session to share input about the impact of the pandemic and recommendations for action by the Wisconsin Arts Board and Arts Wisconsin.

You can participate on any of these three dates:
Wednesday, March 18, Noon
Thursday, March 19, 7:00 pm
Friday, March 20, 9:00 am

To participate go to http://www.zoom.us/j/4601378823
Enter Meeting ID: 460-137-8823

Thank you to all the artists and others who have forwarded resources. Please keep your suggestions coming, and we will continue to share when we have a critical mass.


Tuesday, March 17, 2020
We have several new resources and links to share today.

First, IMAGINEMKE has opened an artist relief fund for individual artists. Learn more and apply here: https://www.imaginemke.org/mke-artist-relief-fund/apply-to-receive-support.php

They are also collecting personal narratives from artists to share with local and national audiences. I know you have them, because many of you have written to me about the devastating impact of coronavirus on your lives. Please send your stories directly to Lindsay Sheridan

Second, Arts Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Arts Board are hosting a series of virtual Arts Listening Sessions to talk about the needs of Wisconsin's arts sector during the COVID-19 crisis. Arts constituents are invited to join any session to share input about the impact of the pandemic and recommendations for action by the Wisconsin Arts Board and Arts Wisconsin.

You can participate on any of these three dates:
Wednesday, March 18, Noon
Thursday, March 19, 7:00 pm
Friday, March 20, 9:00 am

To participate go to www.zoom.us/j/4601378823
Enter Meeting ID: 460-137-8823

These organizations also have several links to artist resources on their sites, or you can sign up for their e-newsletters.

Third, I’ve received links and resources from local artists, including info on emergency grants
and a public spreadsheet where artists are listing their needs.

Fourth, online platforms for sharing work are popping up all over; isolation provides an opportunity to address a wider audience.For Freedoms has launched Virtual Togethering: “In an effort to provide our community with a way to stay virtually together while being physically separated, we would love to invite you, our community, to lead and participate in Virtual Togethering, a series of digital programming that we will host over the coming weeks. This may include presentations, workshops, activities, games, discussions, or anything else you would like to offer to the For Freedoms community and beyond during this time. We want to create a digital space where we can galvanize our community and share talents, guidance, skills, and energy as a service to all of us staying at home. We are now accepting proposals for these digital programs. If you are interested, please fill out this form by 9pm EST on Thursday, March 19th.”

Finally, for those in the performing arts, check out the National Performance Network’s resources: https://npnweb.org/covid-19-resources/?dm_i=5AJ2,9Z1E,3NYD0Y,11J6G,1

Please keep your suggestions coming, and we will continue to share.


Monday, March 16, 2020
Creative Capital Arts Resources During COVID-19 Outbreak

In times of crisis, artists are often among those most affected. In addition to health concerns, this is a challenging moment for many in our community as we deal with cancelled income and trying to make plans during uncertain times. Creative Capital has always been anchored by a rich spirit of community and mutual generosity, and we believe that continuing communication and exchange are crucial for all of us. As COVID-19 continues to spread across the United States, we have created a list of resources for artists working in all disciplines, as well as arts philanthropists, and arts professionals.

We will continue to update this list as the outbreak continues to affect the arts community. Read more: https://creative-capital.org/2020/03/13/list-of-arts-resources-during-the-covid-19-outbreak/

©2025 Lynden Sculpture Garden