
Lynden Blog

February 24, 2011 | Willy

Color, silent, 16mm, 5:08.

We're pleased to announce that we will be screening Sarah Buccheri's "Antarctic Territory, 2004" (16mm to digital video, 5 min., 2008) throughout the Winter Carnival in the conference room.

Color, silent, 16mm, 5:08.

February 23, 2011 | Willy

Food coloring tests for The Pond is Our Canvas

Preparation for the Winter Carnival continues! John Riepenhoff was in yesterday preparing for YouSnow and The Pond is Our Canvas. Sculpture proposals for the competition keep coming in, including a participatory project from artist/ice skater Roy Staab, and a collaborative work by Santiago Cucullu and Colin Matthes. Finally, we've placed an order for 15 pounds of cookies for refreshment and fortification throughout your day of art-making and viewing in nature. See you Saturday!

If you are on Facebook, you can find our Facebook event for the Winter Carnival here. Please feel free to invite your friends.

Roy Staab ice skating at Lynden
Artist Roy Staab on the ice at Lynden

February 22, 2011 | Willy
February 21, 2011 | Willy

While the warm weather last week was wonderful for many reasons, it did give us a little bit of a scare when all the snow melted. After all, our Winter Carnival is fast approaching (this Saturday!), and snow is an integral part of many of the events we have planned. Luckily, the gods of collaborative, outdoor art projects have been kind, and the garden is once again covered in snow. Throughout this week, I'll be highlighting some of the activities you'll be able to participate in on Saturday.

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February 17, 2011 | Willy

Art City's Lonnie Turner interviews Waldek Dynerman, a 2010 Nohl Fellow. Click here for the interview.

February 14, 2011 | Polly

Roy Staab ice skating at Lynden

It may not have been a great day for ice skating (though artist Roy Staab ventured out and braved the puddles and bumps) but we did have some snowshoers and walkers. Today the snow is disappearing fast, and if we get the right combination of freeze and thaw we may yet be able to reclaim the surface of the lake for skating--as long as we can avoid the dreaded slush! We'll continue to post information as the weekend approaches.

Click here for more ice skating photos.

February 12, 2011 | Willy

We had been looking forward to another Sunday of skating at Lynden tomorrow, February 13. However, we have been having some ice problems: after the heavy snow the ice (now 17" thick) began to sag in the center of the lake, allowing water to flood over the top. We began to develop two things: a very uneven surface as slush formed and froze, and double ice--places where water is trapped between the thick under layer and the thinner (and not terribly stable) upper layer. When we were finally able to remove the snow, the ice rose back up and beyond level, so that even as we try to flood the skating area to create a smooth surface, the water slides down the sides of what is now a bit of a dome.

We don't know if the warming today will provide any remedies, but we will be posting updates here. If skating is your interest, please check there before coming up tomorrow. We will be open from 12 noon to 5pm, and there is still much to do in what promises to be warmer weather: the conditions are excellent for a snowshoe walk around the garden, and even high boots (and a willingness to walk through snow) will work. Inside the house, you can see our Pop Prints show and the new work from our collection throughout the first floor.

If we can find a way around the ice problems, we'll re-open the skating next Sunday and for the Winter Carnival on Saturday, February 26.


February 10, 2011 | Willy

This month's issue of Key Milwaukee has a feature on ice skating in Milwaukee that includes our Winter View: Ice Skating at Lynden events. Click here for the story, and don't forget to bring your skates to the garden this Sunday from 12-5 pm to see what all the fuss is about.

February 3, 2011 | Willy
January 26, 2011 | Willy

Our friends at ThirdCoast Digest have a nice piece up featuring not one, but two writers discussing our ice skating event and Lynden in the winter. Click here to read it, and come back February 13th, to experience it for yourself!

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