Events Calendar

Saturday, April 6 2024

April 6, 2024 - 10:00am - 11:30am

A Workshop with Alyx Christensen


Fee: $15/$10 members
Registration: Space is limited; advance registration required. Register online or by phone at 414-446-8794.

It’s time to start planning your vegetable garden for three seasons of harvesting. In this workshop, you will be introduced to techniques such as companion planting, intercropping, and vertical growing, as well as sustainable maintenance practices, starting seeds from scratch, and how to incorporate established plants from greenhouses. Using this information, you will design a master plan for a 4 x 4-foot garden bed that can be scaled up for larger spaces or shrink to the size of a planter. Bring your questions and ideas, garden planning materials will be provided.

About Alyx Christensen
Alyx Christensen is a member of Lynden’s land team. She oversees Lynden’s vegetable and flower gardens, designs plantings on the grounds, and hosts the monthly garden work days. She is also an artist-in-residence as part of the artist collective Open Kitchen.

©2025 Lynden Sculpture Garden