Events Calendar

Saturday, September 2 2023

September 2, 2023 - 1:00pm - 3:00pm



Close out your summer with self-compassion by dropping into Dear Self with Love, artist-in-residence Jenna Knapp's future-letter writing workshop. In this informal workshop, you are invited to write a letter to your future (summer 2024) self. Walk the labyrinth to reflect on this past summer, soak up the present moment before the next season, and cast into the future to explore what you'd like to create in your life between now and summer 2024.

When ready, write your letter in the shade of the trees just outside of the labyrinth where all materials (except blankets to sit on, BYOB!) are provided. Upon completion, you can sign, seal, and address your letter to yourself before depositing it into the handmade mailbox. You will receive your letter back at the beginning of next summer, June 2024. Set your intentions for the school year ahead, tell yourself a story from this summer, give future you a pep-talk or anything you need to process the transition of this season and the next and the next.

According to Knapp, participants often share how the process shifts their perspective on their current goals and helps deepen feelings of self-love. Plus there is the absolute delight of receiving your own (possibly forgotten) letter in the mail so many months later. All welcome: come solo or plan to attend with others.

©2024 Lynden Sculpture Garden