The Pond Was Our Canvas

March 9, 2011


In addition to the juried snow sculpture competition YouSnow, John Riepenhoff also organized The Pond is Our Canvas, a collaborative piece that was especially popular with the younger attendees of our Winter Carnival. Using watering cans and spray bottles filled with non-toxic food coloring, participants painted the little lake throughout the course of the day. Below, you can view some pictures taken during the event, as well as a few taken today, after time and weather have made their mark on the canvas as well.

The first group of painters get started.

Supplies table.

More painters get involved.


View from above.

P1000506The Pond is Our Canvas, a week and a half later.
The painting today, a week and a half later.

The Pond is Our Canvas, a week and a half later.
Transformed by the weather.

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