Field Trip Registration


Advance registration is required for all programs. Lynden limits the number of groups on the grounds at one time, so early registration is encouraged. A minimum of two weeks advance notice is required. Every effort will be made to confirm your reservation as quickly as possible; confirmation is dependent on educator availability. You will receive additional information on payment, parking, cancellations, visitor guidelines and what to bring when your visit is confirmed.

To register, click here.


$8 per child (there is a $120 minimum for groups under 15). This includes admission and all other materials. Adult chaperones are admitted free.

Field trip subsidies and assistance with the cost of transportation are available for field trips; awards are based on need. Please contact Jeremy Stepien, Director of Education, at or 414-446-8481.


Payment is calculated based on the number of students and chaperones submitted on your Request Form. If there is a change in headcount, please notify the field trip scheduler at (414) 446-8481 or at least two weeks in advance of the field trip. All members of your group must be pre-registered. Your school will be billed for the number of students and chaperones shown on your request form (with any modifications) two weeks prior to the field trip. Payment is due upon receipt of your bill and cannot be accepted or processed at the door. Make checks payable to "Lynden Inc." Do not send payment with a change in headcount without first notifying the field trip scheduler.

While we do make a complete refund if your field trip is cancelled due to weather conditions, we cannot offer a refund if your group's headcount decreases after your trip has been confirmed and after your payment has been made.

Group Size

Field Trips at Lynden are designed for groups up to 35. If you have a larger group, please contact us.


The presence and assistance of teachers and adult chaperones are essential during field trips. One chaperone per 10 students is required. Adult chaperones are responsible for the students' conduct and adherence to the Sculpture Garden's visitor guidelines. Chaperones must stay with their group while visiting the Sculpture Garden. Please ensure that all chaperones are aware of the vital role they will play during your field trip. Refer to the Chaperone Responsibilities document and be sure to distribute this document to your chaperones prior to the field trip.

The Sculpture Garden staff requires the assistance of chaperones in the following areas:
Download chaperone guidelines

  • Monitoring and supervising students throughout the visit.
  • Keeping groups together.
  • Explaining and modeling the Sculpture Garden's visitor guidelines for the students.
  • Assisting in the distribution and clean-up of onsite activities and/or art projects.


Field trip activities are conducted in light rain. However, the presence of lightning will result in immediate cancellation. During winter, outdoor activities will be conducted in temperatures above 20 degrees and up to 2 inches of snow. Please be sure that your group is dressed appropriately for the season. If your trip is cancelled due to weather conditions, you may reschedule or receive a full refund.

If you have questions about weather in the 24 hours prior to your field trip, please call (414) 446-8481.

Changes & Cancellations

If there is a change in the date or time of your scheduled field trip, or a cancellation, please contact the field trip scheduler at (414) 446-8481 or An entire field trip may be cancelled no later than one week before the field trip date. Any school group cancelling less than a week in advance, except for health reasons, must pay the full cost of their visit.

Name Tags

Name tags are required for all students, chaperones, and other adults attending a field trip. Please provide name tags with your students' names on them and be sure that they are worn where Lynden staff can see them easily to facilitate discussion.

What to Bring

We provide materials for field trips as needed. Groups may bring clipboards with paper, sketchbooks or notebooks, and a pencil for recording notes in the Sculpture Garden. Due to the irreversible nature of other drawing and writing materials, pencil is the only medium routinely allowed in the Sculpture Garden. For all other requests, contact Jeremy Stepien at or 414-446-8481.

Food, drinks, gum, candy, backpacks and large handbags are all safety and security risks for works of art. Please leave these items on the bus.

What to Wear

Please dress appropriately for the current season and to take part in art activities. A portion of the field trip takes place outdoors, even in light rain. Visitors are advised to wear comfortable walking shoes as extensive walking on uneven ground is required. There are no paths in the Sculpture Garden, and you will be sharing the grassy surfaces with geese--flip flops, sandals or dress shoes are not appropriate. Bug spray and sunscreen should be applied before arriving. During cold weather seasons, please insure that your group is dressed warmly in boots, hats, and gloves.


Visiting groups may enjoy our outdoor picnic area for bag lunches. The picnic area is located under a grove of tall pines just off the parking lot with restrooms and a drinking fountain nearby. Picnic tables can accommodate up to 80 students. If you are planning to picnic, please check with us to make sure the area is available. There is no indoor lunch facility.


Due to copyright restrictions, visitor safety and access concerns, no commercial photography or videography is allowed on Lynden Sculpture Garden property without permission. Personal photography/videography with handheld equipment is permitted, but reproduction or publication of still or moving images of the house, permanent collection, gardens, grounds or temporary exhibitions is strictly prohibited (this includes posting images on the internet and on electronic/digital platforms such as but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, YouTube or any other electronic/digital platform).

Where to Enter and Exit; Parking

The Lynden Sculpture Garden is located on the south side of Brown Deer Road. Busses must enter through the west gate. This is the entrance closest to the large, stucco barn and immediately opposite the westbound left turn lane on Brown Deer Road. There is a small sign hanging from a lamppost at this entrance that says “LYNDEN. Harry L. Bradley.” When entering, each bus should pull straight past the barn and discharge students at the walkway leading to the house. A member of our staff will be stationed at the foot of the walkway. Once the students are off the bus, the bus can continue around the circle drive and park, parallel to the drive, in one of the parking bays. There is room in the lot for up to 5 busses. Chaperones and teachers driving their own vehicles may park in our parking lot. There is no cost for parking at Lynden.

Please do not enter through the east gate. Under no conditions may passengers be discharged on Brown Deer Road. This is extremely dangerous: eastbound traffic will not be expecting to encounter a bus parked in the far right lane.

Exit is through the east gate only, at the far end of the parking lot.

Don't Be Late!

Arrive with your students and chaperones, prepared with name tags, 10 minutes prior to your field trip start time. If you are delayed, you must call (414) 446-8481. Your group has a 15-minute grace period for arrival, but a late arrival may result in a shortened field trip. If you arrive more than 15 minutes late, and you fail to contact us, the field trip will be cancelled.

Special Needs

When requesting a field trip, please indicate your need for any specialized information or assistance for your students. There are no paths at the Sculpture Garden. If you have any questions about accessibility, please contact the field trip scheduler by e-mail or phone.

©2024 Lynden Sculpture Garden