Women's Speaker Series: Fall Bookclub Night with Special Guest Lauren Fox

November 14, 2016 - 7:00pm

Lauren Fox 815 credit Amanda Schlicher high res

Fee: $22/$18 members - includes an autographed copy of Days of Awe, refreshments, and a free guest pass so you can return to Lynden during the daylight hours to see the grounds. Register by phone at 414-446-8794.

Margy Stratton, founder and executive producer of Milwaukee Reads produces this series of events featuring writers of particular interest to women. Join Jane Glaser and Daniel Goldin of Boswell Book Company as they present their top book club recommendations for the fall season. Their special guest will be Lauren Fox, author of Still Life with Husband, Friends Like Us, and Days of Awe, the acclaimed novel that is now out in paperback. Fox will not only read from Days of Awe, she will also recommend her favorite titles. Boswell will have an assortment of their picks on hand for purchase, too (so get a jump on that holiday shopping).

About Days of Awe

Only a year ago Isabel Moore was married, was the object of adoration for her ten-year-old daughter, and thought she knew everything about her wild, extravagant, beloved best friend, Josie. But in that one short year her husband moved out and rented his own apartment; her daughter grew into a moody insomniac; and Josie—impulsive, funny, secretive Josie—was killed behind the wheel in a single-car accident. As the relationships that long defined Isabel—wife, mother, daughter, best friend—change before her eyes, Isabel must try to understand who she really is.

About the Author

Lauren Fox is the author of the novels Still Life with Husband, Friends Like Us, and Days of Awe. She earned her MFA from the University of Minnesota, and her work has appeared in numerous publications including The New York Times, Marie Claire, Parenting, Psychology Today, The Rumpus, and Salon.

Boswell's booksellers weigh in:

"So your best friend dies in a car accident and your marriages status is a bit creaky and your daughter is hitting adolescence and is ganging up against you with your own mother. Oh, and you work at a school where your friend worked too, meaning you think about her all the time, and there’s a teacher you don’t particularly like, and wouldn’t you know it if…well, you get the picture. Lauren Fox captures that moment in life when the world seems like it’s falling apart, and to be fair, it sort of is. Isabel Moore is a distinctively Lauren Fox heroine, observant and funny and painfully self-conscious, and Days of Awe might be her best book yet, all the better for striking some raw nerves is it mines for the truth mother lode."
--Daniel Goldin

"Days of Awe is an attempt to make sense of tragedy and loss, while still finding humor and grace in everyday life. A reminder to appreciate what you have, and how quickly you can lose it."
--Sharon K. Nagler

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