Find Yourself in Italo Calvino's Invisible Cities

Sunday, November 8, 2015 - 10 am-12 pm

A Mindfulness Workshop with Aparna Datey

A mindfulness workshop with Aparna Datey, November 8, 2015

Fee: $42/$38 members
Registration: Registration is closed. Sign up for our e-list for information on upcoming programs.

We are creatures of habit and follow patterns when faced with solving problems. More often than not, we use the same methods or avenues despite the results. Creative solutions happen when we are free to make mistakes and the mind is ready to learn from them, so that we are ready to move on and try something else. To do that the mind has to be present in the moment and aware of its surroundings – in other words receptive. It takes practice to bring the wandering mind back to the task and to think creatively.

The workshop will begin with a walk through the grounds and an art exercise to that will help us discover ways to be present in the moment. We will use the fantastical text of Italo Calvino's Invisible Cities to create poems, drawings and collages, and utilize skills learned by architects to modify patterns that hinder our creativity.

About Aparna Datey

Aparna Datey has a bachelor's degree in architecture from Center for Environmental Planning and Technology, Ahmedabad, India and a Master of Architecture degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Datey has taught design studios to architecture, building construction, and industrial design students at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

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